Soon it’s all quiet in the mosque.
Everyone pricks up their ears.
What will Nasreddin Hodja tell them today?
‘Dear believers’, the Hodja starts,
‘Do you know what I’m going to tell you today?’
‘No’, say all the men in the mosque.
‘What? Don’t you know what I’m going to tell
you today?
But what I tell you is very important!
Well then, I won’t tell you after all.’

Everyone in the Middle East knows Nasreddin Hodja. It’s not for no reason. Nasreddin Hodja
is a wise man. Everything he does, is a little bit different from how other people do things. Is
he sitting backwards on his donkey? He will tell people that the donkey is walking backwards, not
him. This is how Nasreddin Hodja invents his own solution for every problem...

Op voorraad


Titel Hodja - the Turkish Trickster
ISBN 9781783225422
Leesniveau A2/B1
Aantal pagina's 96
Illustraties Ja
Taal Engels
Uitgeverij ReadZone Books


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